<aside> 💡 We are thrilled to announce that as of today, at 20:00 CET, our much-anticipated Community Token Sale has officially come to a close. This marks a significant milestone in our journey towards reshaping the decentralized finance landscape.


Overwhelming Participation

We're overwhelmed and grateful for the immense support we received, with over 24,599  users participating in the sale. This enthusiastic response not only reflects the trust and belief our community has in our vision but also underscores the growing interest in decentralized finance and the unique solutions Grindery offers.

Funding Operations into 2025

The funds raised from both investors and our vibrant community are set to fuel our operations well into 2025. This financial foundation enables us to continue enhancing our platform, innovate further, and bring more value to our users. It's an exciting phase of growth and development for Grindery, and we're glad to have our community alongside us on this journey.

Processing GX Pre-Orders

We're currently in the process of meticulously handling all GX pre-orders. Our commitment is to ensure a smooth and transparent order execution. Accordingly, users who participated in the token sale will receive their GX tokens via a Hedgey vesting contract on-chain, with the distribution set for 7th February 2024. This approach aligns with our dedication to security and best practices in the crypto space.

Upcoming Communications

Stay tuned for more detailed information about the community sales results, our comprehensive roadmap towards DEX and CEX listings, and our exciting new reward programs. Our commitment to transparent communication remains steadfast, ensuring our community is well-informed and engaged every step of the way.

Looking Forward

The conclusion of the token sale is just the beginning of our next chapter. We are excited to continue this journey with our community, driving innovation and expanding our reach in the DeFi space.

Keep an eye on our updates - there's much more to come. Follow us on Twitter and Join our Telegram Group. Stay tuned!

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